Jul 2 2015
Putt-Putt and Fatty Bear, are they lost for ever?
Do you remember? Computing in the early nineties? DOS 6.22, QEMM, Windows 3.11? Do you remember the business programs, like WordPerfect, Word for Windows and Lotus, browsers like Internet Explorer and Netscape. Do you remember the more serious programs like Kings Quest and Space Quest? Do you remember the fun our kids had playing Putt-Putt […]
Jan 17 2016
The Banknotes of Theresienstadt (1943)
1. Introduction. Like in other concentration camps during World War 2, the Nazis, during the latter part of 1942, decided that in the ghetto of Theresienstadt the Jewish inmates should not use normal money for payments but special currency, only valid in the ghetto. In 1944, it was used for the plans the Nazis had […]
By Tom • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: bank notes, ghetto, Terezin, Theresienstadt, World War 2, WW2